Public (software) Library Programming Library Descriptions and Compilation Copyright 1993 Nelson Ford Duplication, reprinting and distribution of these descriptions is restricted. See LICENSE.DOC in the PSL_NEWS directory for complete information =====GEN_VID: Screen Generating & Graphics -----GRAPHICS: sprite editors, graphics tools [FASTGRF1, FASTGRF2, FASTGRF3] Fastgraph/Light (Ted Gruber Software; $49) is a graphics library of over 100 highly-optimized routines that can be called from MSC, TurboC, QuickC, QB, MSFortran and assembly language. Fastgraph has been used in such retail products as Accolade's Test Drive III, Day of the Viper, Steel Thunder, Gunboat and many more. Features include video mode detection and initialization; graphics fundamentals, including points, solid and dashed lines, polygons, circles, ellipses, solid and dithered rectangles, region fill, and clipping; character display; physical and virtual video page management image display facilities, including mode-specific and mode-independent images, clipped and reversed images, image retrieval, pixel run maps, and image transfer; animation; and special effects. Also included are routines for keyboard, mouse, and joystick control and sound effects and music, both synchronous and asynchronous. It supports all of the standard text and graphics video modes. It also supports a commonly used video mode for the Tandy 1000 series computers and the PCjr, two video modes for the Hercules Graphics Card, and two extended VGA modes. Example source code is included. Requires a hard disk. [ICONMAKR] Icon Maker allows you to create graphics used by other programs and put them into the programs data area. [GFNT] GFNT (KYPP production; $39) is a graphic editor for creating sprites for animation for VGA. Several sample files are included. Requires 512K memory and VGA. [SPRITEM] Sprite Maker 2.04 (Dalrymple, Billy; $10) allows the EGA/VGA programmer to easily create, manipulate, and save EGA images for use with many block manipulation functions such as putimage, and moveblock. Sprites created can vary in size from 1*1 pixels to 100*60 pixels. [VTOOLS] Virtual Reality Tools 1.0 (Denis Sureau; $33) is a set of utilities to create sceneries and animations of programs of the future. The current version contains sprite editors, automaton assembler, mathematical tree designer, and other tools to facilitate the job of programmers. [3D_Plot] 3D-Plot (Reider, Jim; $?) is a 3d hidden line plot routine. [Animator] Animator is a utility that aids you in drawing animated graphics. [Sprite] Sprite is for drawing graphics sprites. -----SCREENS: screen designers [ANSIANI] ANSI-Animator (Leitner, Eric; $?) is a utility for creating screens for programs, batch files, etc, using text, ASCII graphics and ANSI GRAPHIC4 and GRAPHIC5 files contain graphic libraries for the Printshop converted from disks of public domain Apple graphics. [ANSIDRA] ANSI-Draw is a screen design program that makes it easy to draw screens with the upper-ASCII line-drawing characters. [BOX_RW] Box (Wagner, Robert; $?) will draw a box on the screen in your program using ASCII line-drawing characters. All you have to do is pop up BOX, mark the corners and hit a key, then watch it draw the box. This turns any text editor into a screen design program. res:7k [Boxit] Boxit (Williams, Philip; $?) is a utility for creating text screens. Creates screens that can be saved. Does not generate source code. [DURA_SCR] Dura Screen 3.1 (Adkins, J.; $?) is an excellent screen drawing utility for programmers. It generates screen-creation code in BASIC, C, Pascal, dBase III+, assembler, or ANSI, or it will generate straight ASCII files that can be TYPEd in DOS. [SCREENDO] Screen-Do (Port-of-Call Software Inc.; $15-$25) is a screen design program for programmers. It has a lot of interesting features, but lacks one feature that others have and we think is necessary. That is the ability to automatically draw lines, corners and thus boxes easily with the cursor keys. [SCRN_ED] Screen Editor (Raney, Dennis; $?) is a programmer's tool that lets you draw a screen the way you want it to appear to the user and save it in ASCII, ANSII, binary, Pascal, 'C' or BASIC format. This can save the programmer a lot of time and SE is very well designed to do so. [SIE] Screen Image Editor 2.1d (Ramaekers, Frank Jr.; $24) will assist programmers in creating menus and pop-up help screens for their programs and to make it easier to display screens in DOS batch files. [DESIGNR] Designer's Friend 2.5 (Information Management Systems, Inc.; $15) is a 7.5K TSR that automates interface and screen design tasks. It includes functions to center strings in a field, count the characters in a string, read a string off the screen, write a string to the keystroke buffer, display an ASCII chart, and create bit masks. [SCRWORLD] ScreenWorld (Civit, Jose Olive; $35) is a screen designer and source code generator. Boxes, lines, colors, areas, etc. draw in elastic form. You can include colors in the screens and in the generated programs; draw lines and boxes with automatic connection lines; insert text and generate the source code in ANSI and BASIC. This is a very well done program with numerous features not found in most other similar programs, such as the ability to create input fields with associated variable names. [Vincent] Vincent is a text screen layout program. If you have to build screens for use by batch files or other programs, this program can come in handy as it lets you draw boxes with ASCII graphics, center text, change colors, etc. [LDOG___@] Laughing Dog Screen Maker 1.12 (Yardbird Software ASP; $35) is a powerful text-mode screen design tool. The mouse-based interface with an on-screen toolbar makes designing screens extremely fast and easy. Screens can be saved in a variety of formats including Binary, BSAVE, ASCII, WildCat! BBS, ANSI, PCBoard, and executable COM files. Source code can be generated in BASIC, C, Pascal, or Assembly Language. A utility is provided for capturing screens from other applications, and you can also produce manual or automatic slide-show demos. Most dot-matrix and laser printers are supported, including PostScript compatible printers. [MuralKit] MuralKit (Green, Bill; $5) lets you create a "mural" of 16 screen pages arranged in four rows of four. While you can slowly scroll in all four directions (the columns and rows of pages "wrap" when you reach the ends), pressing the space bar immediately advances you to the next screen and pressing a number moves you directly to that page. Seems like it could be handy for medium-size documentation files. Appears to require ANSI.SYS. [P_SCREEN] P-Screen (Smetana, Rob W.; $33-$53) lets you design screens, create screen libraries, then display your screens from your own programs. Features include library screen compression, an option to load BSAVE files, the ability to copy sections across screens or to different locations on one screen, mouse support, pull-down menus, block centering, Big Font, recolor, QB and PDS7 support, extensive help, and more. It supports 25, 43 or 50 line screens on Mono, CGA, EGA or VGA. [SCRPAINT] ScreenPaint (Laurinolli, Kai; $25) allows the design of lightning-fast batch file based hard-disk menus, help facilities, pop-up windows, and prototype screens for applications programs. Screens can be quickly "painted" in a full-screen editing environment, complete with pull-down menus, help screens, automatically connecting lines, ten screen pages, and a wide variety of drawing and editing tools. [TheDraw] TheDraw (Davis, Ian E.; $17-$25) is an ANSI screen design program for programmers. Intel compatible object code files are supported. Features include a color attributes drawing/painting mode; EGA 43-line and VGA 50-line editing; mouse-aided line drawing; animation scanners; the ability to reverse any given animation scan; QB 4.0/4.5 compatible object files; automatic screen blanking; and more. -----TOOLS: video tools, reference, etc. [ANSCRT] AnsCrt (Housh, Rick; $0) Uses standard ANSI calls for all cursor placement, color attribute changes, etc., and Interrupt 21h DOS calls for everything else. It uses no ROM BIOS calls at all and should work on any MS-DOS computer with ANSI support. [ANSIDEMO] AnsiDemo (Tramblay, Alain; $0) displays a table of ANSI colors and associated codes. [BGI256] BGI256 (Knight Software; $50) is a 256-color BGI driver for Borland's Turbo Pascal and C languages. Source code is included. A non-VESA BGI driver is also included for the Video7 card. [FontEdit] FontEdit (Kaufman, Chris; $0) is an easy-to-use freeware font editor for EGA/VGA. It comes with eight pre-designed screen fonts and a utility for loading fonts. [LinBox] LinBox 1.0 (Sawada, Dr. Masaaki; $5-$10) is a 3k TSR that lets you draw self-connecting single/double bar lines with the cursor keys. [BGIANI] BGIANI 1.2 (Thomas Design; $0) is a 256 color mini-movie projector for VGA. It animates a four-frame VGA sequence via page flipping. The program should support all VGA cards that support 320x200 by 256. [InfoBar] InfoBar 1.51 (Maland, Philip; $5) will show you the exact (X,Y) position of any point on the screen. It also displays the current color and ASCII character number under the cursor, and the video offset. InfoBar is very helpful for programming in many different languages. [MCD] MCD 1.08 (Burton, Michael ASP; $15) helps programmers design graphic mouse cursors for their applications. Code for the cursor can be generated for most languages. [SCRN_JB@] Screen (Battle, John O.; $?) is several subroutines for two-monitor systems. One clears the monochrome screen, one writes ASCII characters to the monochrome screen, another writes ASCIIZ characters and the last one writes hex values to the monochrome screen. [ScrBin] ScrBin 1.1 (Knox, Lewis; $0) converts ASCII text to binary files that can be written directly to video memory. The advantages of this approach are that this is faster than the usual screen writing commands in languages like C, Pascal and BASIC, and that having help screens, menu screens, data entry screens, etc, stored in disk files keeps the size of your source code down, and that this allows you to design screens more easily with a full-screen editor rather than in your programming environment. [SCRCONT] ScrCount (Civiol, Ollivier; $5) is a memory resident program that provides screen addresses in hex and decimal for programmers. (res:8k)